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DSR-RFC-01 Device Registration

    Device registration is performed by the user after previous authentication.

    1. High Level Flow


    1. At first start, the TrustClient generates the app/device identity key material and a corresponding Certificate Signing Request.
    2. The TrustClient then triggers the attestation of the key material, device and app with the help of the Platform Attestation Service and receives attestation results.
    3. To register the device for themself, the user signs a Device Registration Token, containing the app/device identity and attestation results and the Certificate Signing Request with their electronic health card (EF.C.CH.AUT.E256). Then the TrustClient sends the Device Registration Token to the Device Management Service (GMS).
    4. With the help of the Platform Attestation Service, the Device Management Service (GMS) verifies the received attestations and key material.
    5. The Device Management Service (GMS) sends the Certificate Signing Request to the GMS CA which then issues a Trust Client Certificate
    6. Finally, the Device Management Service (GMS) stores the app/device identity key material with the corresponding user identity in its database.
    7. The Device Management Service (GMS) sents the Trust Client Certificate to the TrustClient.

    2. Flow Details

    @startuml DSR-RFC-01 Main Flow
    autonumber "<b>[00]"
    skinparam defaultFontSize 10
    skinparam defaultFontName Helvetica
    skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Courier
    skinparam lengthAdjust none
    participant TrustClient
    participant Smartcard
    participant GMS
    activate TrustClient
    TrustClient -> GMS ++: get ""nonce""
    note right
    Regular TLS
    Server auth only
    end note
    GMS -> GMS: generate ""nonce""\n store ""nonce""
    GMS -> TrustClient: return ""nonce""
    TrustClient -> TrustClient: derive nonces\n\t""nonce_keypair_mTLS = SHA256(nonce | 'KEYPAIR_MTLS')""\n\t""nonce_CSR_mTLS = SHA256(nonce | 'CSR_MTLS')""\n\t""nonce_Integrity = SHA256(nonce | 'INTEGRITY')""\n\t""nonce_smartcard = SHA256(nonce | 'SMARTCARD')""\n\t""nonce_attest = SHA256(nonce | 'ATTEST')""
    alt#FEFFD5  2.1.1 Create Android Device Registration
    TrustClient -> TrustClient: generate key pair and\ncreate ""JWT_registration""
    else 2.2.1 Create Apple Device Registration 
    TrustClient -> TrustClient: generate key pair and\ncreate ""JWT_registration""
    TrustClient -> Smartcard ++:  sign ""(JWT_registration, nonce_smartcard)""\n\twith ""PrK.CH.AUT.E256""/""EF.C.CH.AUT.E256""
    return return JWS_registration_signed
    TrustClient -> GMS: register device JWS(JWS_registration_signed)
    GMS -> GMS: verify JWS_registration_signed
    GMS -> GMS: check EF.C.CH.AUT.E256 validity
    note left
    gematik PKI OCSP
    end note
    alt#FEFFD5 2.1.2 Verify Android Device Registration 
    GMS -> GMS: verify ""JWS_registration_signed""\nextract Android specifics
    else 2.2.2 Verify Apple Device Registration
    GMS -> GMS: verify ""JWS_registration_signed""\nextract Apple specifics
    GMS -> GMS: extract KVNR from EF.C.CH.AUT.E256\nin JWS_registration_signed
    GMS -> GMS: create cert_mTLS(CSR, UUID_device, nonce)
    alt#FEFFD5 Store Android Device Registration
    GMS -> GMS: store\n\tKVNR\n\tUUID_device\n\tcert_mTLS\n\tcert_attest
    else Store Apple Device Registration
    GMS -> GMS: store\n\tKVNR\n\tUUID_device\n\tcert_mTLS\n\tattestation_statement
    return return cert_mTLS
    TrustClient -> TrustClient: store cert_mTLS

    2.1 Android specifics

    2.1.1 Create Android Device Registration

    autonumber "<b>['2.1.1' 00]"
    skinparam defaultFontSize 10
    skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Courier
    skinparam lengthAdjust none
    activate TrustClient
    participant PlayIntegrityAPI
    group Android
    TrustClient -> TrustClient: generate\n\t""keypair_attest""\n\t""attestCertChain(nonce_attest)""\n\t""keypair_mTLS""\n\t""keypair_mTLS_cert(nonce_keypair_mTLS)""\n\t""CSR(nonce_CSR_mTLS, keypair_mTLS)""
    TrustClient -> PlayIntegrityAPI ++: perform IntegrityTokenRequest(nonce_Integrity)
    return return integrityVerdict
    TrustClient -> TrustClient: create\n\t""JWT_registration(""\n\t\t""TYPE_ANDROID,""\n\t\t""nonce,""\n\t\t""pubkey_mTLS,""\n\t\t""keypair_mTLS_cert,""\n\t\t""pubkey_attest,""\n\t\t""attestCertChain""\n\t\t""integrityVerdict,""\n\t\t""CSR""\n\t"")""

    2.1.2 Verify Android Device Registration

    autonumber "<b>['2.1.1' 00]"
    skinparam defaultFontSize 10
    skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Courier
    skinparam lengthAdjust none
    activate GMS
    participant GoogleServer
    group Android
    GMS -> GMS: extract nonce, pubkey_mTLS, AttestCert_mTLS,\nintegrityVerdict, CSR from JWS_registration_signed
    GMS -> GMS: verify attestCertChain and certification extension data
    GMS -> GMS: verify AttestCert_mTLS and certification extension data
    GMS -> GMS: verify AttestCert_mTLS was signed by pubkey_attest
    GMS -> GoogleServer ++: get Key Attestation certificate revocation status list
    return return CRL_json
    GMS -> GMS: evaluate CRL_json
    GMS -> GoogleServer ++: request integrity_verdict(integrityVerdict)
    return return verdict_json
    GMS -> GMS: evaluate verdict_json

    2.2 Apple specifics

    2.2.1 Create Apple Device Registration

    autonumber "<b>['2.2.1' 00]"
    skinparam defaultFontSize 10
    skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Courier
    skinparam lengthAdjust none
    activate TrustClient
    participant AppAttestAPI
    group Apple
    TrustClient -> TrustClient: generate\n\t""keypair_mTLS""\n\t""CSR(nonce_CSR_mTLS, keypair_mTLS)""
    TrustClient -> AppAttestAPI ++: generate\n\t""keypair_attest(""\n\t\t""SHA256(nonce_Integrity | SHA256(pubkey_mTLS))""\n\t"")""
    AppAttestAPI -> AppAttestAPI: attest
    return return attestation_statement
    TrustClient -> TrustClient: create\n\t""JWT_registration(""\n\t\t""TYPE_IOS,"",\n\t\t""nonce,""\n\t\t""pubkey_mTLS,""\n\t\t""attestation_statement,""\n\t\t""keyIdentifier_attest,""\n\t\t""CSR""\n\t"")""

    2.2.2 Verify Apple Device Registration

    autonumber "<b>['2.2.2' 00]"
    skinparam defaultFontSize 10
    skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Courier
    skinparam lengthAdjust none
    activate GMS
    group Apple
    GMS -> GMS: extract nonce, pubkey_mTLS, attestation_statement,\nkeyIdentifier_attest, CSR
    GMS -> GMS: verify attestation_statement