DSR-RFC-02 Resource Access
Resource access can only be performed from the previously registered and fresh attested device.
1. High Level Flow
Policy Decision Point
regularly downloads, verifies, and installs the currently active policy fromPolicy Administration Point
as well as context information fromPolicy Information Point
requests an attestation from the platform APIs.- Attestation results are transmitted to
Device Management Service (GMS)
in form of Device Attestation Token. Device Registration Service verifies the authenticity and integrity of the attestation and issues the Device Token TrustClient
connects to theeHealth Service
using TLS. Mutual authentication is performed using the client certificate issued in DSR-RFC-01Trust Client
sends theDevice Token
as bearer token bound to mTLS certificate or a OAuth2 Code to the eHealth Service’sPEP
. PEP verifies the authenticity of the Device Token and extracts the device information.PEP
uses device information and other available signals (e.g. HTTP request headers) as input to thePDP
applies the policy against the device information and any other input provided to it by thePEP
.- Once
allowed the access by making the positive decision, thePEP
lets the eHealth Service to continue and provide resources and other functionalities to the client.
2. Flow Details
@startuml DSR-RFC-02 Main Flow
autonumber "<b>[00]"
skinparam defaultFontSize 10
skinparam defaultFontName Helvetica
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Courier
skinparam lengthAdjust none
activate TrustClient
participant GMS
box "Policy Enforcement"
participant PEP
participant PDP
end box
participant Backend as "eHealth\nService"
TrustClient -> GMS++: ""GET /nonce""
note right
Regular TLS
Server auth only
end note
GMS -> GMS: generate ""nonce""\nstore ""nonce"" in session
GMS -> TrustClient --: ""nonce""
TrustClient -> TrustClient: generate\n ""pkceCodeVerifier""\n ""pkceCodeChallenge""
alt#FEFFD5 2.1.1 Create Android Device Attest
TrustClient -> TrustClient: Provide JWS_attest_signed
else 2.2.1 Create Apple Device Attest
TrustClient -> TrustClient: Provide JWS_attest_signed
TrustClient -> GMS ++ : ""JWS_attest_signed"" \n ""pkceCodeChallenge""
note right
Mutual TLS
end note
GMS -> GMS: check if device ID is known\n(find device registration)
GMS -> GMS: check if publicKey fingerprint from mTLS is\n"sub" claim at JWS_attest_signed
GMS -> GMS: verify JWS_attest_signed
GMS -> TrustClient: return auth_code
alt#FEFFD5 2.1.2 Verify Android Device Attest
GMS -> GMS: Provide device_token
else 2.2.2 Verify Apple Device Attest
GMS -> GMS: Provide device_token
GMS -> GMS: sign device_token(privKey_GMS)
... some delay ...
TrustClient -> GMS: ""auth_code""\n""pkceCodeVerifier""
note right
Mutual TLS
end note
GMS -> GMS: verify\n ""auth_code""\n ""pkceCodeVerifier""
return ""device_token""
note right
PKCE can also be performed by PEP
end note
TrustClient -> PEP ++: request resource(""device_token"")
hnote over PEP: authenticate user
PEP -> PEP: verify ""device_token""
PEP -> PEP: create \n""policy_decision_input""
PEP -> PDP: request \n""policy_decision""
PDP -> PEP: ""policy_decision""
Backend -[#8BC34A]> TrustClient: <font color="#8BC34A"><&circle-check*4.0>
group Android
TrustClient -> TrustClient: trigger Play Integrity API(nonce_PlayIntegrityAPI),\n\tcreate keypair keypair_attest_derived(pubkey_mTLS),\n\tAttestCert_derived(nonce_attest_derived),\n\tcollect device_attributes_security
TrustClient -> TrustClient: create JWT_attest(\n\tTYPE_ANDROID,\n\tintegrity_verdict,\n\tAttestCert_derived,\n\tdevice_attributes_security,\n\tnonce)
TrustClient -> TrustClient: sign JWT_attest with keypair_attest_derived
end Android
group Apple
TrustClient -> TrustClient: trigger AppAttestAPI assertion(\n\tnonce_attest_derived | fingerprint(pubkey_mTLS)\n),\ncollect device_attributes_security
TrustClient -> TrustClient: create JWT_attest(\n\tTYPE_iOS,\n\tassertion,\n\tdevice_attributes_security,\n\tnonce)
TrustClient -> TrustClient: sign JWT_attest with keypair_attest_sign
end Apple
2.1 Android specifics
2.1.1 Create Android Device Attest
autonumber "<b>['2.1.1' 00]"
skinparam defaultFontSize 10
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Courier
skinparam lengthAdjust none
activate TrustClient
group Android
TrustClient -> TrustClient: trigger Play Integrity API(nonce_PlayIntegrityAPI),\n\tcreate keypair keypair_attest_derived(pubkey_mTLS),\n\tAttestCert_derived(nonce_attest_derived),\n\tcollect device_attributes_security
TrustClient -> TrustClient: create JWT_attest(\n\tTYPE_ANDROID,\n\tintegrity_verdict,\n\tAttestCert_derived,\n\tdevice_attributes_security,\n\tnonce)
TrustClient -> TrustClient: sign JWT_attest with keypair_attest_derived
2.1.2 Verify Android Device Attest
autonumber "<b>['2.1.2' 00]"
skinparam defaultFontSize 10
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Courier
skinparam lengthAdjust none
activate GMS
group Android
GMS -> GMS: extract\n\t""integrity_verdict""\n\t""AttestCert_derived""\n\t""device_attributes_security""
GMS -> GMS: verify\n\t""AttestCert_derived""\ncheck\n\t""AttestCert_derived is child""\n\t""of AttestCert_mTLS""
GMS -> GoogleServer ++: request\n\t""integrity_verdict(integrity_verdict)""
return return ""verdict_json""
GMS -> GMS: create\n\t""device_token(""\n\t""verdict_json,""\n\t""device_attributes_security,""\n\t""UUID_device <-> KVNR""\n\t"")""
2.2 Apple specifics
2.2.1 Create Apple Device Attest
autonumber "<b>['2.2.1' 00]"
skinparam defaultFontSize 10
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Courier
skinparam lengthAdjust none
activate TrustClient
group Apple
TrustClient -> TrustClient: trigger AppAttestAPI assertion(\n\tnonce_attest_derived | fingerprint(pubkey_mTLS)\n),\ncollect device_attributes_security
TrustClient -> TrustClient: create JWT_attest(\n\tTYPE_iOS,\n\tassertion,\n\tdevice_attributes_security,\n\tnonce)
TrustClient -> TrustClient: sign JWT_attest with keypair_attest_sign
2.2.2 Verify Apple Device Attest
autonumber "<b>['2.2.2' 00]"
skinparam defaultFontSize 10
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Courier
skinparam lengthAdjust none
activate GMS
group Apple
GMS -> GMS: extract assertion, device_attributes_security
GMS -> AppleCA ++ : verify assertion
return return result
group optional
GMS -> AppleBackEnd ++: assess fraud risk
return return assessment
end optional
GMS -> GMS: create device_token(\n\tassertion,\n\tdevice_attributes_security,\n\tUUID_device <-> KVNR\n)
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Last modified December 3, 2023: resolved GMS - DMS ambiguity (b371f09)