nginx Deployment
Using nginx as frontend proxy with subrequest
In our sample implementation we use nginx as frontend proxy. Each request is authorized using the auth_request
subrequest, which is handled by the PEP. If PEP returns any other response as 200
, the proxy access to the business backend will be denied by the nginx.
autonumber "<b>[0]"
skinparam defaultFontSize 10
skinparam defaultFontName Helvetica
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Courier
skinparam lengthAdjust none
activate Frontend
box "Policy Enforcement"
participant "nginx" as Proxy
participant "dsr-pep" as PEP #Orange
end box
participant "dsr-fahdienst" as Backend
group Unauthorized
Frontend -> Proxy ++: ""GET /resource""
Proxy -> PEP ++: auth subrequest\n""GET /.../auth_request""
PEP -> PEP: missing token\nor session expired
PEP -> Proxy --: ""401 Unauthorized""\n""WWW-Authenticate: ...""
Proxy -> Frontend --: ""401 Unauthorized""\n""WWW-Authenticate: ...""
group Authorized
Frontend -> Proxy ++: ""GET /resource""\n""Authorization: Bearer {access_token}""
Proxy -> PEP ++: auth subrequest\n""GET /.../auth_request""
PEP -> PEP: ""access_token"" is valid
PEP -> Proxy --: ""200 OK""
Proxy -> Backend ++: ""proxy_pass GET /resource""
Backend -> Proxy --: Resource
Proxy -> Frontend --: Resource
deactivate Frontend
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Last modified November 12, 2023: Document RFC02 (4536247)