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DSR-RFC-03 Device Deletion

    User can delete a device from any previously registered device.

    Flow Details

    @startuml DSR-RFC-03 Main Flow 
    autonumber "<b>[00]"
    actor User as User
    User -> FrontEnd: view devices
    FrontEnd -> TrustClient: request devices
    TrustClient --> GMS++: establish mTLS channel (cert_mTLS)
    TrustClient -> GMS: GET ""/device-registrations""\n\t""userIdentifier={KVNR}""
    GMS -> TrustClient: array ""DeviceRegistration""
    TrustClient -> FrontEnd: devices list
    FrontEnd -> User: show devices
    User -> FrontEnd: delete device_X
    FrontEnd -> TrustClient: delete device_X
    TrustClient --> GMS: DELETE ""/device-registrations""\n\t""userIdentifier={KVNR}""\n\t""deviceIdentifier={device_X}""
    GMS --> TrustClient--: 200 OK
    TrustClient -> FrontEnd: deleted successfully
    FrontEnd -> User: show remaining devices